Saturday 26 February 2011

Sheikh ul mushaikh hazrat dewan sayed Alley rasool ali khan (R h) hold been the sajada nashin ajmer sharif in 1923.1947After the creation of Pakistan the descendant of hazrat Khawaja ghareb nawaz (R.h) migrated to the Pakistan.He stayed with sheikh UL Islam qamar ud din (R h)(sargodha) till 1960.then these people shifted to Peshawar.Where after the death of Hazrat Dewan Sayed Alley Rasool Ali Khan (R h) in 1973,

his son Hazrat Dewan Sayed Alley mujtaba Ali Khan (R h) appointed as sajada nashin ajmer sharif.He followed the footstep of his great father. You services have been admitted national and international level .a foundation store was laid down for a complex with the name gulshan sultan UL hind ajmeri complex, in 1992 for a perament thresh hold of astana-e-alliya moenia chishtiya ajmeri this astana has been quenching the spiritual the people.He died at the age of 81 year when he was reciting the holy quran after the death of hazrat dewan sayed alley mujtaba Ali Khan (R h) ,

his son hazrat dewan sayed Alley habib Ali Khan appointed as sajada nashin ajmer sharif. He had got a degree in ma (Arabic) from the University of Peshawar. He distinguished himself and got gold madel. genealogically he linked with hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) at 37 generation and at 39 with sisila e tareeqat.

The work ancestor of hazrat khawaja ghareb nawaz (R h) is a golden chapter of our history along with his ancestors. His descendants have been also working on his mission.All Pakistani especially the people of attack rawalpindi and Islamabad are lucky that the descendent of hazrat khawaja ghareb nawaz (R h) is among them. They proved that they are real vicegerents of the hazrat khawaja ghareb nawaz (Rh) by showing an excellent management administration and people of spiritual qualities of highest order before the creation of Pakistan.

Location and Dargah Time Table

Domestic Airport is located at Jaipur "The Pink city of India" Hosting air line services to the major cities in India. ajmer sharif.

Various Bus & Car Services are available including the Government services providing safe transportation. ajmer shareef.

Indian Railway is commited to serve the devotees who comes for the blessing of khwaja. Ajmer is one of the major Junction in India.

1. Delhi : 442 km
2. Mumbai : 986 km
3. Kolkata : 1785 km
4. Chennai : 2391 km

Holy Shrine Time Table
Winter Season       Opened   Closed
                             5 A.M.     9 P.M.
Summers Season   4 A.M.     10 P.M.